But before I commit to a half dozen paragraphs relating to "all things motorcycle"I like to go out and see what the other like minded souls are going on about. I figure that maybe there's a general "topic du jour" and I might have something useful to contribute.
And then after seeing what the "real" talent can do I decide to just leave it to those folks who truly have the skills.
Ahem...For example...
I've been doing a bit of research on the recent death of Reverand Bill Shergold who was the founder of the legendary 59 Club. There are some good sources of information out there and I thought I could spin together a short biography on the life of very interesting man who is a little known icon of Cafe Racer/Sportbike history. He's the kind of person that all bikers (but especially the "No Fear" sportbike crowd) should know about. It's like being a football fan and not knowing the first thing about Vince Lombardi. S0 off to google for some poking around...
.... and I come across THIS ARTICLE over on the Vintagent blog (head over and read it I'll wait).....

.....and I am once again reminded why I lean towards pictures instead of words. While I don't think I'd bore anyone to death I wouldn't be able to match this article on my best most clearheaded and most inspired day. So if you haven't already, do yourself a favor and head over to The Vintagent and get a REAL education on motorcycle History (along with some of the best writing this side of real rubber tires and exposed valve trains). Not the televised and magazine based history but the foggy history of the sport with scans of tattered old pictures of grimy faces boys and stories of long dead and long forgotten heroes from the days when motorcycles were..
OK OK... I'll shut up now.
Just go read it already. You wont be sorry.
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